Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Tonight I led a mandatory meeting of all the girls in one floor of my residence hall. I had called the meeting because I have been getting reports of girls disrespecting and attacking each other with racial slurs, religious attacks, and attacks on sexual preference. I had to talk to more than 50 girls about the topic of acceptance and community standards, and in my mind everything went well. I was very stern with them, as I think I should have been. I hope that my points came across and that the were not just alienated but that they actually took it upon themselves to make sure that that floor does have a better community. It's been depressing to have to deal with such social backwardness. I guess it's reality. You would think respect was something that they at least came to college with.
I really hope I wasn't blaring hot air -- I hope some of it will affect some of the girls. I know that some girls who felt discriminated against feel better now. They told me so. But I want to make sure that I have instilled in them an idea that respect is necessary and that they can all examine their actions and see ways to be more tolerant and accepting of differences. Gosh, that is the hope, isn't it?

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