Friday, June 16, 2006

A Furry Wake-Up

So. I'm house sitting for this family that went to Greece for two weeks, and they have 5 cats and a dog. I like them all, especially the cats, because they just come whenever they want to, and never bug you or paw at your skinned knees and if you forget them outside then, oh well... they're cats. Anyway. The cats usually come to wake me up religiously between 6:45 and 7:15. If that fails -- and if you have ever tried to wake me up, you know how that can fail -- the big ass labrador JD comes in, pawing and barking at me. It's usually pretty hard to ignore him. So I have to get up, feed them all, and then try to get back to sleep. Which is always impossible, but I always try anyway.
In any case, last night was even more annoying, because they ALL decided that they wanted to sleep on my bed. I didn't have the energy to get up and close the door, and I was kind of having fun annoying them by moving my leg under the covers, and so I left them and finally fell asleep (purring cats do help you fall asleep). But then, when I was in the midst of beautiful dreams, I was woken up multiple times during the night. It was a cat trying to cuddle. With my FACE. Not cool. And then this morning, when JD walked in, I looked up and saw that all FIVE cats were curled up on the bed. I had to laugh. Five cats on the bed, one who had been schmoozing with my face all night long, big yellow lab JD, and my grumpy sleepy self all in one room at 6:45 in the morning. Crazy.
You can bet your ass I am closing that damn door tonight, though.

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