Monday, October 17, 2005

Jessica by Kwame Alexander


Is a knife

With soul

Got that edge

That slices the whole truth

Talks loud

Enough for us

To hear

Her words

Are useful

Like umbrellas

In Trafalgar Square

Or bus passes

In New York City

(depending on your address)

she walks around

head tilted upwards

as if searching for answers

to the questions she posed

only two minutes ago

(like, "how can you fuck without kissing?")

I notice a scar

Under her left eye

Perhaps it is there

because her eyes are so sharp

always cutting through

the bullshit

by Kwame Alexander


Lauren said...

Awesome, awesome, especially the last few lines. And the parts about your words like umbrellas, and "how can you fuck without kissing?" This person knows you. Thanks for sharing.

Jessica Letizia said...

Hi hon. Thanks for reading. But actually, the poem was not written about/for me. It just was entitled "Jessica" and I liked it. :) But it would be great if someone were to ever write a poem like that about me.

Lauren said...

That's so funny, because I was thinking, *What scar under her left eye? And who is this author I haven't heard about?!*

I still think this poem was written for you -- describes you to a T even after re-reading it. :)

Lauren said...

I keep coming back to read this poem because I love it so much.